Clinical medicine referrals and case support
Do you have case with which you would like assistance or a second opinion?
Would you like to offer further medical expertise to your clients?
Would your clients prefer not to travel for specialist expertise?
Do you have a case requiring specialist attention but which can’t be transported?
Would you like to expand your in-house services?
Zoë will be happy to visit your practice or the horse’s home to collaborate in offering a high level equine medical assessment and care.
Cases are seen entirely through primary veterinary practices, either independently or together with the requesting vet. After initial consultation case care is provided either by Zoë in conjunction with the practice veterinary team, or entirely by the practice team. This can be decided on a case by case basis.
Given the visiting nature of the service, referral to a hospital facility may be preferable in some cases.
Examples of cases SEMS can help with include:
• Poor performance or lethargy
• Weight loss or persistent obesity
• Recurrent colic
• Pyrexia of unknown origin
• Polyuria and polydipsia
• Investigation of cardiac arrhythmia
• Investigation of a cardiac murmur
• Recurring or challenging dermatological disease
• Recurrent or challenging ocular disease
• Recurrent or challenging respiratory disease
• Hepatopathy in one, or a group of animals
• Bizarre symptoms
• Others!