Why Partner With SEMS?

Zoë’s unique approach allows you to develop and support your existing equine medical service and skills via three core pillars:

Driving clinical care forwards together

Access to on-demand specialist advice, delivered in an approachable collaborative manner to help with those tricky cases where you’ve exhausted your own current knowledge base, or would like a second opinion 

Collaboration in achieving progressive clinical practice: a done-with you approach.

Support and professional growth for equine vets

Having an experienced colleague to soundboard with and learn from on a specific case basis in real time 

Boosting your recruitment and retention power via offering tailored support and training 

Keeping case management within the practice, providing supported case-based learning opportunities

Creating time for busy vets to focus on other non-medical responsibilities or interests. Often specialist consultation can lead to accelerated case management. 

Enhancing client service affordably through accessible specialist expertise

Offering clients optimal return on their expenditure, through expert lead investigation and treatment plans.

Specialist case management without the need for horse transportation.
